Thursday, June 9, 2011

Setting Goals

If there's any advice I can give to new babysitters or nannies, it is to set goals.  Setting goals for yourself is very important so that you start with the end in mind.  If you do this, you will have a much better sense of accomplishment when you have reached these goals.
Setting goals with your kids gives you something to work toward together, and will give them a sense of achievement.  Whether you are setting long term goals or short term goals... identify the goals.

This summer, I have set the long-term goal to help instill good eating and exercise habits. My short term goals that I share with the kids are to drink two bottles (28oz) of water before I go home for the day.  Water is filling and reduces the urge to nibble, and it has so many positive effects on the body.  The kids love this, it's a game for them.  They try very hard to reach their water goal before their sibling.  Another short term goal I have set is to leave the television off for as long as I am there.  Due to many storms recently, we have turned it on to watch a show, but I always plan ahead so that we aren't channel surfing wasting time.     

Here are some ideas for other goals:
-One hour of physical activity
-Adhere to your schedule
-Do crafts with educational undertones.

-Help your kid learn multiplication tables (or addition/letters/numbers/colors...whichever pertains the most to your kid)
-Build confidence with your kid

What other goals have you set with your kids?  How do you get them enthusiastic about it?